primary eye care

7 Signs You May Have Cataracts

August 21st, 2017

signs you have cataracts

Cataracts are formed when the proteins in the lens of your eyes begin to clump together. The lens, which is normally clear, becomes cloudy and your vision is impacted. Cataracts a common age-related disease and over half of all Americans over the age of 80 will develop cataracts.

This may sound scary but there are many ways you can manage your cataracts symptoms. And cataracts are treatable, especially when they are detected early. Here are seven signs you may have cataracts:


  • Blurry vision


One of the reasons cataracts can be hard to detect is that the changes will be very minimal in the beginning. The earliest sign is often that your vision just becomes blurry. Some patients have said it is as if they are observing an impressionist painting. These effects will only continue to worsen over time.


  • A yellowish tint to your eyes


As the proteins build up in your eyes, it can turn yellow or brown. This can cause your eyes to have a yellowish tint.


  • Limited nighttime vision


Patients with cataracts often have difficulty driving at night. Their night vision continues to worsen, putting them at an increased risk for accidents.


  • Light sensitivity


Cataracts patients can be especially sensitive to bright lights. They often find bright lights are painful and make it harder for them to see.


  • Halos forming around lights


One of the reasons it can be hard for cataract patients to drive at night is because halos will often form around streetlights, making it difficult to see. This happens because your cataracts cause the light to diffract as it enters your eyes.


  • Sudden vision changes


If you have experienced recent vision changes, such as suddenly realizing you need a stronger glasses prescription, this can be a sign of cataracts. Anytime you experience unexplained vision changes you should visit your eye doctor as this can indicate a problem.


  • Double vision


Cataracts can sometimes cause you to see two images of the same object, or double vision. This can be a sign of other health problems as well so you should visit your doctor immediately if this begins happening.

Did any of the symptoms on this list give you pause for reflection? Worried that you may have cataracts? Ultimately, the best way to know whether or not you have cataracts or any other common eye disease is to have a yearly comprehensive eye exam. Contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our doctors.

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