primary eye care

Is My Blurry Vision Due To Dry Eye Syndrome?

March 25th, 2024

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Dry eye syndrome is a condition that affects millions of people every year. But, most people who have it likely don’t know they have an eye condition.

Having dry eyes is very common, especially during certain times of the year. That makes it difficult to differentiate between seasonal or allergy-related dry eyes and dry eye syndrome.

An easy way to tell if you have dry eye syndrome is if your eyes are dry all the time, regardless of the season or allergies. But, the only accurate way to know if you have dry eye syndrome is an official diagnosis by your eye doctor.

Seeing your eye doctor about chronic dry eyes is important because dry eye syndrome can damage your eyes and your vision without treatment. Keep reading to learn more about dry eye syndrome and if it is making your vision blurry!

What is Dry Eye Syndrome?

Dry eye syndrome is an eye condition that results in chronically dry, irritated eyes. It causes symptoms like itchiness, irritation, and grittiness.

Dry eyes caused by allergies or your environment tend to come and go and fluctuate based on the season and where you are. Dry eye syndrome may mean your eyes are dry more often than not.

The condition usually occurs if you aren’t producing enough tears or the produced tears are low in quality. Things like other medical conditions or medications can also cause dry eye.

There are treatments available to stimulate tear production. You can also try drinking more water and incorporating more omega-3 fatty acids into your diet. The other common issue is that your tears lack certain components.

What Causes Dry Eye Syndrome?

Healthy tears should be made up of oil, mucus, and water. Tears that don’t have these components will not have the proper nutrients.

Water hydrates and provides nutrients to your eyes, keeping them healthy. The mucus helps to spread the water evenly across the surface of your eye.

Oil is necessary to keep the water from evaporating off your eye. If tears evaporate rather than flowing out of your eye through your tear ducts, you get dry eyes.

A lack of oil flowing from the glands on the rim of your eyelids, called the meibomian glands, is one of the leading causes of dry eye syndrome. When your eyes don’t get enough oil, they become chronically dry.

You’ll also overproduce tears because they evaporate so quickly.

Does Dry Eye Syndrome Cause Blurry Vision?

Having dry eyes frequently can impair your vision in multiple ways. If your tears lack oil, your eyes will dry out and be overly watery.

Both dry eyes and excessive tearing can lead to blurred vision. Having eyes that feel extremely dry can make even blinking hard because your eyelids tend to stick to your eyeballs.

Without blinking, tears can’t spread across your eyes. You may feel like your eyelids are tugging on your eyes. When you can’t blink as you usually would, it can become harder to see.

If this is your situation, you’re also likely producing an excessive amount of tears. Too many tears flowing into and out of your eyes can also make it difficult to see.

All the extra fluid can make your vision blurry. This is similar to how it feels when you open your eyes underwater. Everything is blurry, and it becomes difficult to define any objects. Without treating your dry eyes, ensuring you’re producing enough tears that stay in your eyes, you can develop vision problems.

If the problem persists, dry eye can damage your eyes and permanently impair your vision. If you have chronic dry eyes, it’s best to see your eye doctor immediately. Doing so can help prevent long-term damage and help you see better.

Do you have dry eyes? Schedule an appointment at Vision Care of Maine in Bangor, ME, to determine the cause and keep your eyes healthy!

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